Coffee Table Styles

Coffee Table Styles

Coffee tables are the workhorses in our living rooms.

  • They’re parking spaces for coffee mugs, mobile phones, and even feet.
  • They’re a handy surface for your little ones to play on.
  • They can play host to magazines and books.
  • They can even keep your living room clutter-free while looking stylish doing so.

Given all that, it’s not surprising that when you come to buy a new one, you have many different coffee table styles to choose from.

So what should you consider before buying a new coffee table?


Because there are oodles of coffee table styles, knowing what you want yours for is a must. If hiding clutter is a concern, then a coffee table with storage might be useful. Coffee tables with shelves are handy if you want to keep magazines and books tidy, while coffee tables with drawers or storage baskets can keep irregular-sized clutter at bay.

If you want useful little display surfaces dotted around the room, then a nest of tables may be the answer.

And if you want a coffee table that can double as a children’s workspace, then you’ll want a coffee table with a smooth surface, or there’ll be tears at colouring time!



Size is another important consideration, and easy to get wrong.

Mark out your chosen space so you can see how the table fits with the rest of the room and be sure to allow a sufficient gap all around your coffee table, so people can sit comfortably. There’s nothing worse than barking your shin every time you reach for your teacup.



Choosing the style, colour scheme, and finish is the fun part of coffee table buying. Because despite everything we want our coffee tables to do, we want them to look stylish while they do it. Fortunately, there are literally scores of coffee table styles, so the chances that you’ll find something that’s perfect for your home are very high.

In our Banbury store, you can find coffee tables from sleek and contemporary, and from traditional to exotic. They come in pine or oak, rosewood or mango, oiled, waxed or polished, painted in a range of delectable shades, or combined with metal for a touch of industrial chic.

All you have to do is pick the one that suits your personality and your home decor.

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  • Gary Anderson
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