The Magic of Baskets: Ideas for Using Baskets Around Your Home

The Magic of Baskets: Ideas for Using Baskets Around Your Home

As a furniture retailer, we’re admittedly dotty about storage. But even if we weren’t, we’d love using baskets. Mostly because they’re versatile, they look smart, and they fit simply everywhere. There’s a basket for every room of your home, and a basket for every storage dilemma you will ever come across. That’s because baskets are one of the first kinds of storage humans invented and they’ve stayed with us ever since. So, baskets have really seen it all and probably stored it all, too.

If you abhor clutter you don’t need to get rid of all your favourite knickknacks. All you need is a stack of baskets and most of your clutter problems will be stowed neatly away. Baskets are the ultimate make-order-from-chaos tool around the home. And if the only basket you’ve used so far is the wheeled supermarket variety, then follow us as we take you on a tour of how and where baskets may come in handy around your home…

Baskets are your friend

Whether you need a smart way to store toys, the larger kitchen utensils, barbecue equipment, lunch boxes and sandwich wrappers, or even magazines… baskets are your friend. If you want to be extra tidy, they can live on a shelf in your kitchen cupboard and welcome you with serene orderliness when you open the door.

Bathrooms and Bedside Tables

Bathrooms are notorious for collecting clutter. Bottles of shampoo and conditioner, body wash and bath foam, moisturiser and makeup, not to mention stacks of hair accessories. Sort all the mess into a handful of baskets, though, and your bathroom will look like something out of a spa brochure. You could even allocate each member of your family their very own basket of goodies…

Another prime clutter collecting space is, of course, the bedside table. Many of us bring our workday to bed with us, along with books we want to read, jewellery we need to store, calendars and notebooks to update, and electronics to charge and use. Add a light, a glass of water and your bedside table will not be restful Zen space. Relocate all the bits and bobs into a smart basket, and your bedroom will look as if you’ve spent hours tidying.

Laundry, Pets and Table Linen

One area where many might be familiar with using baskets is … the laundry basket. These baskets can swallow A LOT of clutter. Which means they come in handy for other things besides laundry. Like toys, for example. Or shoes. Or even paperwork.

Cats and dogs love baskets, too, which is why you’ll find many people using baskets as cat and dog beds.

We stock sideboards that offer baskets alongside the traditional drawers and cupboard space, ideal for table linen and napkins.

Baskets as Room Dividers

Baskets, neatly placed into shelving units, make great room dividers. They fit under coffeetables to store newspapers or knitting or computer games. A small basket could be the home for all the family’s remote controls.

And yes, we could go on for a while longer… but we’re sure we’ve convinced you that using baskets around your home is a real no-brainer. And while baskets may be one of the oldest types of storage around, they also fit in neatly with our busy, detail-laden lifestyles. And there’s really no higher praise than that…

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  • Gary Anderson
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