Why Decorate with House Plants?

Why Decorate with House Plants?

Most of us can easily think of ways to decorate a room:

  • Paint the walls.
  • Change the flooring.
  • Repurpose old furniture.
  • Add pictures, cushions, candles, and rugs.

And more often than not, we miss one of the most important accessories: green, living things. After all, they're plants, not decor items, right?

Dig a little deeper, and you may realise that you hesitate to add plants to a room because you don't know how to care for them. Or you're not sure which plants best complement your home and your lifestyle.

But - aside from the aesthetics - there are significant benefits to having plants in the home. So why should you decorate with house plants?


Breathe more easily

Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, while plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. Hence, plants and humans work fabulously well together. Decorate your home with house plants and your living decor increases the oxygen levels in the room.

But what about the rule that plants have no place in a bedroom or should be removed at night?

That’s because some plants release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen when it's dark. Not all plants do this, so why not keep plants that continue to release oxygen during the night in your bedroom instead? Orchids, succulents and epiphytic bromeliads, which also look stunning, continue to release oxygen during the night. Why not try placing these plants in the bedroom to will feel refreshed while sleeping?


Feel at peace

Green is considered a peaceful, soothing colour, which is one reason house plants can help create a harmonious atmosphere around the home. With their myriads of shapes and shades, they also soften edges and brighten corners. Why not add a tall plant to a corner or turn a small one into a table centrepiece?


Improve focus and reduce stress

Studies show that indoor plants reduce noise pollution. When placed in a workspace, plants increase productivity and improve focus. And people who surround themselves with greenery tend to be more creative.

In addition, bringing a touch of nature inside also helps combat stress.

House plants, whether leafy greens, miniature trees or flowering plants, help us feel comfortable and more positive. They can calm our heart rate and lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, decrease headaches, and ease fatigue, sore throats, colds, coughs, and flu-like symptoms.


Not bad for something you've not quite considered decor, right?

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  • Gary Anderson
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