How to Host A Bonfire Night Party To Remember

How to Host A Bonfire Night Party To Remember

It's Bonfire Night this weekend. If you've decided to "stay in" and host your very own Bonfire Night party follow these easy steps to make sure your celebration is one to remember for all the right reasons.

Set the Scene

November in England is rarely balmy, so creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for your guests is key to the success of your party. First, set aside an area for the bonfire and fireworks - well away from the area where your guests will eat and mingle. You know it makes sense!

Prepare your outdoor space with tables, seats, cushions and blankets to make things cosy. And add lanterns and fairy lights. Their warm glow adds to the ambience and will make your guest "feel" warmer.

Invest in a canopy or umbrella to protect both the food and your guests from any changes in weather - and keep them well away from the bonfire and fireworks.

Food and Fun

The food you serve to your guests at your party is an important part of what makes or breaks the evening, so making it special is an essential. Crowd food - easy to serve and eat is a must. A casserole that just needs re-heating will help cut down on the work. A large pot of warming soup will be welcome. And we've yet to meet anyone who doesn't love cooking sausages on a stick or on a barbecue. There's plenty of choice when it comes to drinks, too. From hot chocolate or warm, spiced apple juice, to mulled wine and cider, you can use drinks to keep you warm.

If you are struggling to find places to seat your guests, stop by our store and ask about our emergency dining chairs. We usually have a few left over!

Partying Indoors

This is England, so - of course - there's a chance of rain. If you're forced to move your party inside, or choose to celebrate in warmth and comfort, set the tone with subdued lighting and scented candles. After all - Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators were operating by candle light!

Keeping Safe

To many people, Bonfire Night is about the fireworks, but not everyone loves them. It's perfectly fine to host a party and leave the fireworks to those who enjoy them. Whether you're triggered by the noise and flashes, have young children who are afraid of them, or are a pet owner - Bonfire Night doesn't have to be an ordeal.

Set aside a quiet space for pets, children, and anyone not fond of fireworks, and make it as relaxing as you can. Ambient sound or quiet music can help mask the noise from nearby fireworks, and blankets, cushions, scented candles or a bowl of fresh potpourri can make the room feel far away from the crowd.

We're wishing you an enjoyable bonfire night!

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  • Gary Anderson
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